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Ep 256: Joyless Icing

It's entirely possible that Paul and Eli may have had too much coffee, candy and soda this week, which may explain their volatile behaviour, but that's not really an explanation. The Cheap Chaps venture back to the Froth Shop and the Soda Jerk to sample a large selection of delicious, yet cheap, Japanese candy and some revolting UK soft drinks. However, all is not well behind the scenes, as the proprietors of these sweet establishments are having a bit of an awkward falling out. It's not too much better for Paul and Eli either, as one of them can feel a stress induced death coming on and the other can feel a revolting, maddening song coming on! It's going to be another "one of those" episodes again, isn't it? Sigh!

Assorted Japanese Choc and Candy

Assorted Japanese Choc and Candy

Hot and Spicy Pringles

Hot and Spicy Pringles

Egg Crisps

Egg Crisps

Japanese Candy 02

Japanese Candy 02

Japanese Candy 01

Japanese Candy 01

Soda and Grape Candy

Soda and Grape Candy

Grape Mints

Grape Mints

Grape and Orange Gum

Grape and Orange Gum

Prawn Cracker Snacks

Prawn Cracker Snacks

Candy Flavoured Drinks

Candy Flavoured Drinks

OK Sauce

OK Sauce

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