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Ep 274: A Tale of Two Podcasts

In a time-hopping edition of CheapShow, Paul is hopping backwards and forwards in time to challenge both Eli and Mr Biffo to a game of The Price of Shite. Why? Well… With Eli still in America, Paul has to record an episode of the podcast with someone, and luckily Mr Biffo was available to guess the cost of the charity shop tat. However, Paul realises that he can hop forward a week and task a returning Eli to the exact same game. As Paul bounces back and forth, Eli and Biffo go head-to-head to see who will reign supreme. Along the way they’ll talk mutant trains, monkey cruelty, pepper holes, unusual smells, and old toys. All Paul needs to do is hand out the P’twings. Hopefully he can at least manage that.

Confused? Don’t be! You’re getting two podcasts for the price of none!

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Thomas Egg Cup

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PG Tips Tea Towel

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Swimming Goggles

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Guiness Pepper Shaker

The Unbelieveable Truth 01

The Unbelieveable Truth 01

The Unbelieveable Truth 02

The Unbelieveable Truth 02

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