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Ep 295: The Kindness of Strangers

On a good day, Paul and Eli are old, clapped out, exhausted and useless. So, can you imagine what condition they’re in after foolishly exerting themselves following their BIG live show the previous day? You can find out in this week’s frail episode. Following the events of the live 300th episode performance, some kind CheapSkate listeners donated all sorts of weird, wonderful, and woeful packages to Paul and Eli and in this week’s podcast, they dive into some of the more edible offerings. After being wowed by their Cheese and Onion flavoured crisps, the cheap chaps are delighted to learn Tayto have a whole range of flavours to discover! Sadly, the same excitement can’t be observed for the soft drinks that have found their way into CheapShow’s orbit. As if exhaustion wasn’t enough, there’s also the matter of an ever largening room full of knock off characters to worry about!

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