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Ep 318: Top Notch Western Romance

Get your taste buds ready, because Paul and Eli are going to be noshing on a range of tongue-tingling yet sometimes stomach-churning cheap eats! There has been another delivery to CheapShow HQ and this one is packed with delicious, unusual jelly candies. In fact one is so unusual, more time is spent playing with it than eating it. It’s an odd mix of gummies that apparently want to be toys more than edible treats. Luckily, this must mean that there is a new Froth Shop opening! Huzzah…sorta! There is a return to a “Tales from the Shop Floor” when Paul recounts a recent strange encounter in a local charity shop. Luckily, the incident makes for a good story and a nice little Lego discovery. Finally, it’s another “Noodle Pot Blitz” to end the show. After some online badgering, the cheap chaps cave in and purchase a “Donor Kebab Pot Noodle”. Will it surprise them with its tasty goodness, or will it be hot, sloppy muck? I think we kinda already know the answer to that one… OH MOTHER!!!

Lego VIP Shop Charity Shop Find

Lego VIP Shop Charity Shop Find

Coffee Boiled Sweets

Coffee Boiled Sweets

Coffee Candy Translation

Coffee Candy Translation

Jelly Egg

Jelly Egg

How To Fry A Jelly Egg

How To Fry A Jelly Egg

Jelly Egg In Pan

Jelly Egg In Pan

Demon Tongue

Demon Tongue

Demon's Tongue Translation

Demon's Tongue Translation

Teeth and the Tongue

Teeth and the Tongue

Eli's Vampire

Eli's Vampire

No Name Chicken Flavour Noodle

No Name Chicken Flavour Noodle

Energy Spicy Noodle

Energy Spicy Noodle

Energy Lid

Energy Lid

Pot Noodle Donor Kabab

Pot Noodle Donor Kabab

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