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Ep 352: Dr Pepper's Flavoured Soda Cans

If there is one thing we love on CheapShow, it’s the Charity Shop Showcase. It’s the part of the show where we can spend a little more cash and show off something weird or wonderful. This week Eli has found something Pirates of the Caribbean shaped, and Paul has a Kenny Everett annual from 1981. Which will join the “showcase” and which will end up in “no place”? There is also a rather curious challenge ahead for the Cheap Chaps. They’ve been sent a range of Dr Peppers, each with an unusual flavour twist. Can Eli differentiate between the many variations, or does it all taste the bloody same? To make things a bit spicier, Paul is well up for a fight this week, which Eli finds unnecessary!

Pirates Caribbean Worlds End Book

Pirates Caribbean Worlds End Book

Compass Viewfinder

Compass Viewfinder

Coin Slide

Coin Slide

Pirates Caribbean Book Sample Page

Pirates Caribbean Book Sample Page

A Trio of Pirates

A Trio of Pirates

Pirates Caribbean Ships

Pirates Caribbean Ships

Kenny Everett Annual 1981

Kenny Everett Annual 1981

The Many Faces of Kenny Everett

The Many Faces of Kenny Everett

Captain Kremmin

Captain Kremmin

Ad Nauseum Kenny Everett

Ad Nauseum Kenny Everett

the Real Me Kenny Everett

the Real Me Kenny Everett

Guess The Flavoured Dr Pepper

Guess The Flavoured Dr Pepper

Pepper Vanilla Float Cream Soda

Pepper Vanilla Float Cream Soda

Pepper Cherry Vanilla Strawberry Cream

Pepper Cherry Vanilla Strawberry Cream

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