Ep 28: The Grotty Life of John Meggot
We're Back! After a brief hiatus, Paul & Eli are back for more cheap tips, cheap tat and cheap laughs. The economy comedy podcast has returned and its bigger and better than ever... actually, its exactly the same.
In this particularly grotty episode, Eli advises, not only where to buy and find weird and wonderful vinyl, but also how to get rid of a fat bloated corpse. We catch up with what the chaps have been up to during their time off (Paul: Lots, Eli: Nothing). We get into some old school Price of Shite goodness and we cap the show off with a "Dollop-esque" investigation of Britain's most horrible, dirty old man: John Meggot/Elwes
Ahh, Cheapshow. Trashy as ever!
We would like to once again thank Page Branson for our awesome new logo and Brian Wecht for the trippy & fantastic new theme music.
Give them your love